Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cheirostylis nuda


Cheirostylis nuda

Common name

There is no known common name that I can find for this tiny little orchid, however the orchid genus Cheirostylis to which C. nuda belongs are commonly known as fleshy jewel orchids or velvet orchids

Flower of the jewel orchid Cheirostylis nuda

I can find little recorded about this tiny species of orchid. 

Distribution and Habitat

In South Arica Cheirostylis nuda are found on the upper Kwa Zulu-Natal coast north of Mtunzini growing in deep shade in leaf litter of damp to wet dune forest.


Cheirostylis nuda is a terrestrial herb with a creeping, caterpillar-like, above-ground rhizome anchored to the leaf litter and ground below by fine white root hairs.

The leaves and rhizome of  Cheirostylis nuda are a shiny green colour and are hairless. The flower stems on the other hand are densely covered in tiny hairs. The flowers are very small.

Flowering takes place in the late winter here in Kwa Zulu-Natal, in mid-August into September.


I find Cheirostylis nuda very easy to grow indoors in both plastic as well as clay pots in a coarse mixture of pure silica sand of various sizes to which I add a little sphagnum peat.

They get watered daily for most of the year slightly reducing watering at the beginning of autumn.

Feeding weekly applications of quarter strength liquid plant feed. Sprinkling of Multicote™ on the surface of growing medium at the beginning of first growth of growing season.

Article written by Michael Hickman on the 


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